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Pet of the Week


Click on "Pet of the Week"  picture for a little a little more information about "LadyBug"  and previous Pets of the Week

Upcoming Events

About Hart County Humane Society

Hart County Humane Society:

1)  Works with North East Georgia Animal Shelter to give another chance to animals in need, to reduce the pressure on the Animal Shelter.

2)  Runs a Neuter / Spay program to try to eliminate the population of unwanted pets in Hart and Franklin Counties


We are not a shelter facility with hired staff.  We are not Animal Control and have no legal jurisdiction or training to pick up stray animals.  We receive no funding from any governmental agencies.

Animal Control is available by calling your local law enforcement agency.  In the City of Hartwell, contact Hartwell Police at 706-376-3111.  In Hart County, call the Hart County Sheriff's Department at 706-376-3114. 

If you have a pet you need to rehome, please contact the Northeast Georgia Animal Shelter at 870 Bear Creek Road in Lavonia or call them at 706-356-5363.

Thank you to our PARTNERS!

We appreciate the mutual support of our partner organizations.

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